Just a couple of SWEET ladies in Rabulu village
Rabulu Kindee
We hiked the tallest mountain in Fiji- Mt. Victoria! Which we were, quite literally, climbing straight up this mountain. most of the time we were on our hands and knees, or climbing up the tree roots and branches and vines- hard to explain. just know that it was the coolest/scariest/hardest/most beautiful hike I have ever been on. No worries, this was just our tour guide. I'm pretty sure he hiked it barefoot.
Champions. Me and Sue
Navai Kids just climbin' a tree
Cutest little boys ever. For one of my music classes, another volunteer and I would teach a group of teenage girls, and these boys would try and interrupt the lesson and be crazy. So I would just take them away and play with them for an hour! They rocked
Standin on a huge pile of sugar cane- snappin a stick off for me to eat!
My Tokovuci music theory class- all of them receiving their certificates! They were pumped
Bau island- This tiny island took over all of Fiji, so the Fijian language is Bauan dialect (every place in Fiji has it's own dialect and variation on the Bauan dialect)
Band picture. Caleb, Me, Courtney, Janey
INSANE storm on the island- so me, Heather, and Courtney decided we were already soaked, so we might as well play in the ocean.
Me and Heather with the Tavua District Kindee! Some of them at least. there are around 50-60 students
Teachin a health lesson to the youth in Vatutavui village
Rugby game in Nasivi! Rugby is EVERYWHERE in Fiji- everyone plays it.
Janey, Stacie, Rachel Farr, Me, and Court in Nasivi
Cutest Nasivi kids. forgot their names.
Beautiful baby Eka
Just rockin my little baby. puppies are everywhere
My all time favorite Fijians- Arietta, or cook, and her two granddaughters Maggie (in the white) and Arietta
Liku playin the uke at my Tokovuci Music class
Cutest little kids ever- they would wait every day after school on these steps and wait till we passed, just so they could yell 'Namaste!'
Nasivi village business class
oh Tavua
I am a murderer.
look at this BEAST. They were all over the place in our house unfortunately.
Doin the Hokey Pokey with the Tavua District Kindee
Just learnin how to pound some tree bark into paper!
Starfish everywhere
Babiest lizard. So many.... so many.
Little boy Tavite (David) in Vanuakoula village. He had the biggest, most beautiful brown eyes i have ever seen.
Ok! Those are only some random pics from one of the three memory cards I have- so i'll probably be posting some more! Get ready!